Thursday, February 7, 2008

The concussion freak-out.

I've spent the last two weeks of my life in an out of the hospital. I'm thankful it was just a kidney stone and nothing serious, but wow it was painful. It lodged and had to be surgically removed, then I'm apparently one of the few who react to removal of a uretal stent with intense kidney and bladder spasms. Those were no picnic either. And usually they go away quickly, but not mine.

This all comes as we're preparing to move across the state next week.

Today we had another trip to the emergency room, this time for Dori, who will turn 2 in a couple weeks.

She was running in wool socks on our wood floor when she fell and hit her head (on what I don’t know as I was on my knees in the kitchen cleaning Uncle Jeff's fabulous spaghetti casserole off the floor under her highchair after lunch). Dori cried, walked into the kitchen, then as soon as I got to her she flopped down on her face on the floor. I picked her up and she started having what looked like a seizure in my arms. Scary stuff. Just then Maggie walked in the front door to help us pack, so she drove us to the ER — only after getting stuck in the 13 inches of snow that fell in the driveway last night. Maggie was able to rock the car out and we got there. Dori has a mild concussion, but is back to acting like her old self. She was even asking to play the Elmo game on the computer within a couple hours of being home.

Maybe I shouldn’t have cleaned the wood floor today. If it were sticky as usual it might have given her some traction.

Addy didn’t see what happened either because she was cleaning spaghetti casserole off the office floor. I still don’t know how that got there, just that Dori was the culprit.

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